![]() I am a whirlwinder!!! Sometimes my energy is all over the place and then I end up exhausted. No bueno!!! Channeling that energy to the present moment can make all the difference. Sometimes I refer to this as yoga off the mat. Honestly, most things, if done consciously, by being in the moment, can be a meditation. I wanted to write about this because in addition to our monthly three-minute meditation is the beautiful practice of being in the now. In this exact moment, doing nothing else but being right where you are, is in fact another form of meditation. Washing the dishes, doing the laundry, walking the dog, taking a walk, in line at the grocery, in the carpool line, watching your kids practice their sport, helping with homework, the doctor’s office, on a phone call and on and on and on. This practice will energize you and invigorate you as you observe what is happening without mental chatter, the to-do list, on the phone and the computer and eating (hahahaah yes, ugh I have caught myself here). It is free and anyone can do it anywhere!!! Simple, yet sometimes tricky. See if you can stay with the moment or does your mind want to whirlwind to what next, what else etc. No judgement, don’t beat yourself up if you are bouncing all over with your mind. Observe. For me what I have learned, especially as my energy is shifting is that I have MORE energy when I am present, moment-to-moment, and NOT trying to do multiple things at the same time. In fact, when I catch myself feeling exhausted, I have looked back at the past couple of hours and have realized how much I was doing “at once” and whew it took a toll. One way I contain my whirlwinder, swirling, multitasking mind is when I realize I am feeling tired and I observe my swirling mind, I stop, close my eyes, breath (long and deep, inhale 5, hold 5, exhale 5, through my nose) and then start again. Bang! It brings me back to the present and helps me focus. I found this little heart when I looked down as I was walking my dog. A little sign of presence. Try it out. Observe, breathe and be in the moment. Let me know what your experience is. Happy Tuesday.
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AuthorCourtney Gebhart, Life Coach, Kundalini Yoga teacher, and Human Being. Archives
January 2021