A lot of the work I do with clients is about observation. Starting to see and notice your go-to reactions, habits and patterns. Then they can be shifted. However, before you go anywhere your GPS needs to know where you are starting from. Then it can set your destination. Coaching is very much the same. One valuable thing to notice is where you go emotionally when you are tired or stressed? Or maybe tired and stressed are a pattern. Where is your habitual home for your emotional state? It might be worry or sadness, fear or anxiety. The reason this matters is because if we want things to be different we have to do things differently and the state we are in is crucial to making lasting change. How does that work? For example when you are in love, blissful, exciting new love can anything go wrong? NO. You are so blissed out you just let things roll off you, you figure them out. It is like you are in a protective bubble from stress and worry hahahahaha. You know what I mean. Likewise when you are cranky and miserable don’t you just get more cranky and miserable to support that way of being, “oh great, now I have a flat tire too!!!” So changing the pattern of your state is everything. Where you are coming from, your state, affects the decisions and choices you make. Which then affects your actions or procrastinations. You can shift your state when you observe yourself going down the rabbit hole of an unwanted patterned way of being. Try these practices: 1. Choose 5 words that define who you are willing to be. Repeat them often. Throughout the day. Before you have a phone call, a meeting or even breakfast with your family. You will be amazed how having a simple intention, of conscious way of being, to be kind, loving, generous, flexible and grateful will totally shift an interaction.
2. Move around. Just stop what you are doing and do 25 jumping jacks! Seriously! Break your pattern by doing something physical, for no reason, that is big and a bit crazy. Get out of your box here. The point is to shift a pattern so you have to shake yourself up. Clapping and cheering with loud whoooooops is a good way to do it too! Adding a sound magnifies the shift!!!!!! 3. Acknowledge it and shift it. If you feel locked into an emotion and you are sick of it and you know it isn’t serving you yet, you have been unable to get out of it. Set 90 seconds on your phone. Go on a full rant about it. For instance say you are stuck in frustration just purge everything out as fast as you can, out loud. Don’t think, just spit it out. Go, keep going, use the full 90 seconds (“ugh, this sucks, I can’t do this, I hate it, I feel so bad, I want to run away and live on an island, ugh ugh ugh ). When the time is up immediately jump up and down (set the timer again for at least 90 sec. if you can do 2 minutes even better) cheer, clap, dance, jump, don’t stop, I mean it, don’t stop, standing cross crawl, breath of fire while jumping MOVE!!!!!! When the timer goes off, sit, close your eyes, bring your breath back to the center and think of three things you are grateful for. Then go back to whatever you need to do. If you need help with any of these let me know. They are game changers. Are you willing to do things differently? Yes!!!! I know you are. You feel better when you feel better hahahaahah and we are in control of that. Even during covid!!!!! Happy Tuesday. Thank you all for being here. If you need the tool of kundalini yoga. August 1st is coming up so sign up for the monthly membership and get my yoga classes in your house whenever you want them!!!! Click here to learn more about the classes. Love you all!!!
A week or so ago I posted-what if you knew you had to open 305 doors before you got what you were focused on? That would change everything because then door 99 would just be a stepping stone to 305.
Instead, for a lot of us, it is, “uuuuuuuiigggghhhhh another door, it’s not the door yet, omg how many fricken doors am I going to have to open, uuuggghhhh door 35….man, maybe this isn’t meant for me, maybe I am not “supposed to figure this out”, I am so tired, I can’t keep doing this.” See the difference? One perspective is energizing, filled with ideas and looking for possibilities to get to the next door. The other perspective is deflating, it feels heavier and heavier and leaves you not even wanting to open the next door because you just “ know it won’t be the answer.” Wow! Seriously. Which way are you living your life? This is huge. I think we all start out like the first way. Most of us do. We are eager and excited and filled with knowing we can do it. Then…..the doors start to pile up. This is different for everyone. For Walt Disney, 305 banks said no to his idea, for Thomas Edison 1,000 tries, for JK Rowling 12 publishers turned her down and on and on. You have all heard this before. Nothing new here. However, what I have realized recently is that you might have stopped short somewhere, in one area of your life while continuing to open the doors in a different part of your life. Here is an example, I was diagnosed with RA a couple years ago. It was a long and painful discovery because of course, no one knew what was going on at first it was, “mono, then Hashimoto thyroiditis, Lyme, torn rotator cuff on both shoulders…” At one point I had to have my kids help me get my shirt on. I couldn’t hook my bra, and finally it got so bad that one day I had to uber my son to his coach (cause I couldn’t drive) drop him there and then uber to the ER. I was in the most insane pain. Why am I telling you this hahahaha? Because I realized that recently I have settled for this way of being. I didn’t mean to settle but while I have been busy, working hard, opening doors in other areas I have settled in this area of health! Well shoooooot. That is not acceptable because health has to be #1! It is like building a house in sand. It doesn’t matter how incredible it is if it doesn’t have a solid foundation it will just fall apart. What I realized is that when I was first diagnosed I was really looking, exploring, trying different approaches to find answers and solutions. Eventually though I got tired and just let it be. Can you relate? It is like maybe I am at door 302. I just pooped out but what if 303 is the door and the key to turning this thing around? Putting it back in remission? Would that be worth it? Heck yea!!!!! So back to door opening I go. The process continues. Let’s go. Let’s all keep looking. You just never know what is behind door number……….. :) Are you bumping up against frustration, exhaustion, worry, anger or even resignation?
Shifting your focus can make all the difference. It doesn’t matter if it’s finances, friends, career, or relationship sometimes we get in a rut and we start feeling bad or frustrated. In the coaching arena we like to call this being “at the border”. Don’t stop there! Three steps that help shift your focus:
Then if we switch the focus and take a small action (and I mean small), something that is very do-able right then and there. We will feel a “success” and that will start building our mental muscle for shifting focus. Here is an example. With covid and all that is going on with business, I have been trying new things but ugh the technology is killing me. It takes me hours to do it. I am sure it takes other people five minutes. It is sucking the life out of me. Ugh I don’t want to try any more UGH. Obviously this isn’t serving me because I want to quit which will get me nowhere. Then all the work I have done will be in vain. Then I will feel like a loser because I gave up. So, I could focus on the fact that if I were to get the technology working then I would feel soooo good. I would be proud of myself for sticking with it, figuring it out and I will reap the benefits from what my original idea was! So (action) I am going to reach out, and ask for help. Log in immediately and get on the chat with someone who can guide me through it. Yes, I can hear you. I already know all that! Yes, but knowing and doing are not the same!!! Take the challenge and push yourself through this. You will be glad you did!!! It is mental toughness!! Build your mental muscle. Let’s go!!! Soooo excited to share with you my new Kundalini Yoga membership. Many of you wanted to do the yoga classes at a time that fit your day, so here it is!!! I have created packs of classes from my live zoom classes so that you can practice them everyday at any time from anywhere. There are two choices: Kundalini Yoga Club (with three classes) and Kundalini Yoga Club Premium (with six classes). And this month, both include a bonus extra mediation and a live class with me on July 15th.
The good thing about this “staying home” is that so many of you have enjoyed saving the time commuting to and from class. What I love about it is that it makes it do-able for everyone’s schedule. Again, it is a tool to help you have clarity, focus, energy and mental health and well being. For me it is a jumping off point to train your brain, to quiet your negative loops of thinking so you can hear your pearls of wisdom. No one wants to be run by the thought loops that aren’t serving them. You know the: "I can’t, ugh I have tried everything, but how?, I am too old, too young, too dumb, not connected" and on and on". Breathing, moving and connecting to your body gives you an awareness that will guarantee a mindset shift. And, as I like to point out on social media, a minute of conscious breath can change everything. Please let me know if you have questions or feedback I would love to hear it. See you in class. Let’s take the next 6 months of 2020 and be specific with what you want to change. What is working? What isn’t working? Are you ready to shift it? To create an intentional way of being that moves you forward toward creating something that excites you? Be a change maker for yourself and then for the world. |
AuthorCourtney Gebhart, Life Coach, Kundalini Yoga teacher, and Human Being. Archives
January 2021