It’s funny that they say, “growing pains,” when a kid is growing. As they push into their body and it starts expanding and literally is growing inches, pain occurs. Like when the baby teeth are pushing through the gums, when the big teeth push the little teeth out, when your bones and ligaments and all the tendons lengthen and stretch as you grow.
It also refers to transitions in development; infant to toddler (falling thousands of times before the reward of walking is earned), child to teen (being socially awkward and hormonally challenged as the brain is also undergoing shifts), and it continues to adulthood. It seems that most of our growing comes from pain, we are forced into a situation where we have to grow to move on. Like a crazy video game where you are zooming along and then bam you can’t advance to the next level until you go through some crazy, intense, sometimes seemingly impossible growth spurt that then catapults you way forward into a land you never even knew existed!!! Growing pains from transitioning into our 20s, 30’s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and more. Each of these stages is different for each person. No two journeys are alike. Sometimes the growing pains can come from an event: a serious illness, a death of a loved one, our kids moving out, divorce, death of a pet, loss of a job etc. Why does it take a crisis for us to grow? Why can’t things just be humming along and then we say, “wow, I think I will grow now?” Hahahahahaha, sounds ridiculous just saying it because it is so not the way it works. So, whether you are on a roll, in the flow, having come out of a growth spurt or if you are entering a challenging time, feeling like the dark hole will never end …know and have faith that it does. The one thing for sure is that change is a guarantee. Ever more the reminder to be grateful when we are sailing with the wind and when the storm hits, grateful for where we are growing into and where we will emerge. Give yourself time and space to grow, even when it hurts. Because imagine if we stopped trying to walk after the 1000th fall, if we just gave up and became a forever crawler. . .hahahaha right? Happy Tuesday in whatever stage you are in. I am thinking about you and sending love!!! Thanks for joining me weekly for these tidbits. Love, Court
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AuthorCourtney Gebhart, Life Coach, Kundalini Yoga teacher, and Human Being. Archives
January 2021